We have all been busy preparing for Term 1's CA1 and Common Tests the past few weeks.
Many did very well. Good Job Bottoms Uppers!
However there are a few who did not do so well. It's only term 1 darlings! Don't give up! We'll get there. Slowly but Surely. :)
2 weeks ago, I followed my parents to a mega book fair in Jakarta and got myself this inspiring book that I was so excited to share with my fellow Bottoms Uppers.

The book was written by a young boy affectionately known as Mattie.
Mattie was born with Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy. :(
Mattie may have passed on but he has left us his legacy, his Heartsongs which are all inspirational.
Let me share with you a piece of his writing.
Rolter's Wisdom
You may be tall,
I may be small,
But inside,
We are the same
Length of strength
June 1998
Extracted from 'Hope through Heartsongs' by Mattie J.T.Stepanek.
So my tutees, like Mattie, let's all celebrate life and perceive it as a blessing even during the most difficult moments alright?
Mattie was a bestselling author and as last week was the March holidays, we decided to do 'free writing' for our English lesson.
No comprehension. No sentence synthesis. No cloze passage. etc.
Instead I prepared a lesson plan which required my tutees to express their feelings through writing.
Some of them wrote poignant ones, some cheery and some funny.
Let me share with you one of my tutees' work.
Because I also shared with them, that as authors, they can use their own real name or come up with a character name (think Dr Seuss!), this tutee of mine chose the latter and wants to be known as King King. :)
My Mom
When I'm in a good mood, I call her Mama.
When I'm in a not so good mood, I call her Mother.
Mama is a funny lady.
Mama and I always plays games together.
Mother logs on to Facebook when she feels bored with me, sometimes.
Sometimes, she watches television with my father.
Sometimes when I want to chat with her, she would say
I don't want to talk to you. Go and talk to the cat.
Mother said she had loads to do on the computer.
Man, Facebook is such a demanding boss!
If Mother is angry at me, I will
enter my room
switch on the computer
log on to Facebook
and type
I'm sorry, Mama
and post this on her wall.
March 2010
King King
Dearest 'King King',
Man, I love your play with words! :))))
How you regard her as 'Mama' when she's nice to you and 'Mother' when you feel neglected.
I bet you will enjoy Literature when you enter Secondary School!
I love it! Hi 5!
Mdm Nura